The Real Reason Eddie Van Halen Once Put A Gun To Fred Durst's Head

Publish date: 2024-05-03

The story goes that Limp Bizkit was in need of a new guitarist after the departure of mainstay Wes Borland. Lead singer Fred Durst was introduced to rock legend Eddie Van Halen at a party and, with some coaxing from an unnamed studio exec, the two were convinced to collaborate.

Things started out unspectacularly at a house Durst occupied in Beverly Hills, but took a hard left turn when the collective Bizkits broke out that most unspeakable of narcotic scourges, the demon marijuana. Eddie, not a fan of such shenanigans, exited the premises. The next day, Eddie Van Halen contacted Durst about retrieving some musical equipment left at the house. When he didn't hear back after 24 hours, he did what any reasonable man would do in the situation: he drove an illegal assault vehicle he'd purchased at a military auction back to the house and held Durst at gunpoint until his entourage loaded his property into the car.

So if your parents tell you that no good can come from smoking the reefer, just remember what Fred Durst learned at the turn of the 21st century: sometimes, it really can be dangerous. Sometimes, cracking into that devil's lettuce ends with the man voted Guitar World's Greatest Guitarist of All Time coming to your house and pointing a gun at your head.
