How Tall Is Blake Lively?

Publish date: 2024-05-04

If you're a woman in the United States and you're around 5-foot-4, then you are in the range of the average height for ladies in the country, according to Medical News Today. But when it comes to Blake Lively, she's quite a bit taller than that. The actor stands at 5 feet 10 inches, according to Business Insider.

Of course, she's not the only tall star in the entertainment industry. In fact, there are quite a few other famous figures who are the exact same height as Lively. For instance, Tone of Lively's besties, Taylor Swift, also measures 5 feet 10 inches tall, as does Gigi Hadid, Tyra Banks, and Gal Gadot, according to SheKnows. The same goes for Charlize Theron, Laura Dern, and Khloé Kardashian.

While the fact that quite a few stars are that particular height might make being tall seem like a benefit, Lively admitted something about her appearance while taking to Instagram in April 2018 to share a photo of herself appearing on "Sesame Street" with Big Bird. In the caption, she wrote, "Kids used to make fun of me in elementary school by calling me Big Bird (because I was 'too tall' and had 'yellow' hair). Here's to making best buddies with the things that once hurt you." Beyond that, the fact that Lively's rather tall means that her height isn't as far off from someone special in her life, who also happens to be above average when it comes to their impressive stature.
