Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory Results (10/14): New Champion Crowned, LAX Wins The War

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Moose was shown in a pre-recorded interview wearing traditional African garb before the video package of his feud with Eddie Edwards was shown.

Moose made his entrance with three unnamed valets. Eddie Edwards made his entrance with kendo stick in hand. Eddie hit Boston Knee Party and Killer Kross came in and attacked for the early DQ.

Dreamer cut a quick promo about Queens New York being hardcore and the match was restarted as a No Disqualification Tag Team Match.

Early on there was a very disturbing spot where Tommy Dreamer spit water in the mouth of Eddie Edwards so that Eddie could spit in the face of Moose. The action spilled everywhere and then a member of the New York Giants who was in the crowd pushed Moose to the floor. In the ring, Eddie Edwards hit a top rope hurricanrana on Killer Kross. Moose and Edwards had a great exchange. The ending came suddenly when Moose went to use the kendo stick on Eddie but was surprised with a rollup for an Edwards/Dreamer victory.

Post-Match: Killer Kross and Moose jump Eddie Edwards and the lay him out with a double powerbomb on the apron.

Up next, there was a promo from oVe work Sami Callihan said he would take down the machine and put Ohio on the map. The video package for their match played next.

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The action started way too fast to keep up with. Callihan and Pentagon exchanged strikes, Fenix was a human highlight reel with amazing springboard headbutts. Cage was disturbingly physically dominant I’m just through Sami Callihan on the apron from a powerbomb position. What followed next was a succession of dives before cage hit a fallaway slam over the ropes dropping everybody that was on the arena floor. The Lucha Brothers had an amazing tandem tree of woe Cannonball. Later on, Fenix hit an amazing running springboard cutter from the outside of the ring to the inside of the ring. Lucha Bros and Cage hit a crazy succession of moves for a two count on Sami. This match is phenomenal.

Pentagon was taken out with a Piledriver on the apron. It was then three on one, oVe vs. Cage. They hit Cage with the All-Seeing Eye and he kicked out at one. Cage then ate about 30 kicks in a row before Sami Callihan finally pinned him for the three count as the announced team gushed about Cage eating his first lost in Impact Wrestling.


— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) October 15, 2018
