Why did Drogon spare Jon Snow?

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Game of Thrones’ Drogon chose not to kill Jon Snow because of his Targaryen blood, his love for Daenerys, and Drogon’s possible understanding that while Jon committed the act, he wasn’t the reason for Daenerys’ death at the end of Game of Thrones’.

Why did Drogon let Jon Snow live?

But Jon is actually a Targaryen himself — he was born Aegon Targaryen before he was hidden and had his name changed for his own protection while still an infant. And the Targaryens have a way with dragons. That’s (probably) why Drogon doesn’t kill Jon.

Why did Drogon burn the Iron Throne and not Jon?

Now, there are two theories here: One is that Drogon, a smart dragon, recognized what the Iron Throne symbolized and burned it, rebuking the desire for power that ultimately killed his mother. The other is that Drogon mistakenly thought that the pointy sword chair stabbed and killed Daenerys.

Why did Drogon look at Jon Snow?

Since Daenerys is the Mother of Dragons and has always had an especially close relationship with Drogon, it makes sense that Drogon could be jealous of a new person vying for Daenerys’ affections, in the same way that a pet could be wary of an owner’s new significant other.

Why didn’t Jon get on Drogon?

“One is that they’re climbing on the dragon and it’s a slow process. Their flank is unprotected and we see that there are wights coming towards them, so he had to battle those guys back.” Logistically speaking, Jon Snow had to stay on the ground and protect his friends as they climbed on top of Drogon.

This is why Drogon didn’t kill Jon and why he melted the iron throne

Did Drogon sense Jon is a Targaryen?

Drogon obviously had a sense of who Jon was, allowing him close, giving him those knowing looks, like Drogon could discern Jon’s bloodline AND his character. When Drogon allows Jon into the throne room in Dany’s final scene, he also appraises Jon before letting him pass.

Did Drogon know Jon killed Dany?

And seeing the assassin’s knife in his mother, Drogon may very well have understood that Jon killed his own Queen—not a rival; he can do nothing but forgive the loyal subject who showed her great respect in her final moments.

Why does Jon Snow have black hair if he’s a Targaryen?

Northern houses also seem to carry dominant genes with their dark hair, which is why Jon’s Stark blood prevailed over his Targaryen genes. Despite not having silver hair, Jon Snow is no less of a Targaryen than Alicent and Viserys’ children in House of the Dragon, who are half-Hightower.

Did Drogon forgive Jon?

At least for the moment, he forgives Jon for not bending the knee. And if he is a thinking creature, he must have questioned whether or not he had executed men unjustly; Drogon would never be the same.

Could Drogon smell Jon Snow?

The dragon first screamed in his face (not the best thing to do when introducing yourself) and then leaned in to get a closer look/sniff. What followed was a surprisingly touching scene in which Jon and Drogon had a little bonding moment. Jon even took off his gloves so the dragon could get a better whiff.

Where did Drogon take Daenerys body?

Benioff and Weiss confirmed that Drogon carried off Daenerys across the sea and that the dragon was headed towards Volantis.

Why can Jon touch Drogon?

The obvious explanation is that Jon Snow is a Targaryen. In fact we learn for sure in this episode that hes a legitimate Targaryen (as everyone knows, Dragons are all about the sanctity of marriage). And that may be the case. A better explanation is that he harbored no hostility for Daenerys.

Why can’t Daenerys control Drogon?

Originally Answered: Does Daenerys lose control of her dragons? She only seems to lose control of them because they were babies before. Daenerys had a little trouble with them when they were adolescent dragons, but once they could understand what she wanted from them, they followed her lead.

Where did Drogon go after Dany died?

The most likely of these, which has been speculated since the finale, is that Drogon went back to Valyria. This is where dragons originated, after all, and Drogon was flying around there in season 5, so it’s somewhere he’s familiar with.

Why didn t Bran pardon Jon Snow?

Both of them also didn’t want him pardoned because sending him to the Night’s Watch again would once again require him to formally give up all his claims, even though most people had no idea what those claims even were.

What happened to the unsullied after Daenerys death?

After Dany was killed, Davos offered the Unsullied land in the Reach. But they chose to set sail for Naath — the home of Grey Worm’s deceased love Missandei — instead.

Is Drogon The Mad King?

The individual known as ‘The Mad King’ is King Aerys II Targaryen. Through his marriage to sister-wife Queen Rhaella Targaryen, Aerys was the father of Queen Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) and her older brothers, Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen (Wilf Scolding) and Prince Viserys Targaryen (Harry Lloyd).

Is Drogon a reincarnation?

Drogon isn’t just named after Khal Drogo — he’s the reincarnation of the Dothraki warlord.

Did Bran know he would be king?

But did Bran actually foresee himself becoming king? When Tyrion Lannister asks him if he’ll take the role, Bran answers, “Why do you think I came all this way?” implying that he probably knew what was coming. Bran’s response to whether he’ll take the crown in the Game of Thrones series finale.

Is Jon Snow immune to fire?

No,Jon Snow is not immune to fire. In season 1, episode 8 he fought with a wight to protect Lord Commander Mormont. He threw a burning lamp at the wight and in the process,his hands was burned with fire. Hence, unlike Danaerys, he is not prone to fire and is easily hurt by it.

Why isn’t Jon Snow’s hair white?

Northern houses also seem to carry dominant genes with their dark hair, which is why Jon’s Stark blood prevailed over his Targaryen genes. Despite not having silver hair, Jon Snow is no less of a Targaryen than Alicent and Viserys’ children in House of the Dragon, who are half-Hightower.

Why doesn t Jon Snow become a White Walker?

No, because he was not brought back by the Night King or another Walker. Like Beric Dondarrion and Sandor Clegane, he was brought back using a different method from “Resurrection by White Walker/Night King”, so he’s not a Walker himself.

Did Jon regret killing Dany?

Jon regretted his decision to kill her deeply, questioning whether it was right, but ultimately acted for the good of the realm, egged on by Tyrion and Arya. So he approached her, called her queen, kissed her, and plunged a knife in her heart.

Why did Drogon melt the Iron Throne?

Now, there are two theories here: One is that Drogon, a smart dragon, recognized what the Iron Throne symbolized and burned it, rebuking the desire for power that ultimately killed his mother. The other is that Drogon mistakenly thought that the pointy sword chair stabbed and killed Daenerys.

How old was Drogon when Dany died?

Seeing as season 8 was set in 305 AC, the dragons would have been 7-years-old when Daenerys was killed by Jon Snow. Since Drogon was the only dragon left standing, he’s the only one capable of reaching maturity.
