5 chilling details about Dana Dodds murder

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Dana Dodd’s body was seen as back in 2006 yet until 2018, no one knew who she truly was. The young lady was fiercely killed and her body was singed past recognistion.

The media called her Lavender Doe since she was wearing a purple shirt when her body was found.

After twelve years, her killer was captured because of an inconsequential case. The killer was recognized as Joseph Wayne Burnette. He made a full admission in 2018 and was condemned to detainment for two killings.

Subtleties of this chilling homicide secret will be investigated on Dateline-Insider facts Uncovered on January 25. Watch the full episode on Oxygen.

Here is the abstract of the episode –

Police are confounded when they track down the body of a young lady yet can’t distinguish her; with the assistance of novice specialists and new DNA innovation, a hounded examiner tracks down her executioner and her personality.
Trigger admonition: This article contains notices of homicide and dismantling. Circumspection is encouraged. At the point when Burnette met Dana, he asserted that she was selling magazines in the parking garage of Walmart. Inevitably, the young lady moved toward him to purchase a magazine from her yet he wouldn’t take it, all things being equal, he admitted that he proposed to have intercourse with her. The young lady supposedly consented to the deal and the two engaged in sexual relations inside his vehicle.

Dana was working for a voyaging magazine deals team at that point, after supposedly escaping from her home.

2) She was blamed for taking cash At the point when inquired as to why Brunette chose to kill the young lady, he said that Dana had attempted to take cash from him. Nonetheless, the police can not confirm the charges. The man guaranteed that in the wake of figuring out that Dana was being decietful, he choked her and consumed her body.

Despite the fact that the case stayed strange, the police had the option to draw near to the charged. Her body was found a couple of days after the fact and a post-mortem examination uncovered that she had semen inside her.

The DNA of the semen during the examination drove the police to Brunette. The killer admitted that he had intercourse with the person in question however didn’t unveil further subtleties.

3) She had a harsh youth Dana supposedly had a harsh youth with her mother, who left her, when she was as yet a baby and her father, leaving them destitute.

After her dad was captured on various occasions, Dana was raised by her step-mother, which was the point at which she started to bounce from one city to another for occupations and for a business. The young lady in the long run found some work in Texas and began working for a magazine in their outreach group.

4) Burnette was condemned to 50 years imprisonement Burnette was captured for the homicide of her better half, Felisha Pearson in 2018. Pearson was first announced missing on July 19, 2018 and her body was tracked down on July 24.

Over the scrutinizing meeting, Burnette admitted to killing both the ladies. He was in the long run sentenced and condemned to 50 years in jail.

As the police explored the case, the internet based detectives did their own exploration. The undertaking was prescribed to the DNA Doe Venture and they consented to take it up. This internet based project plans to utilize hereditary parentage to tackle cases left unattended.

The confidential examiner followed her foundations to Czechs parentage and found the casualty’s most memorable cousin, a moderately aged lady who resided a couple of miles from the spot where her body was found.
