Bethenny Frankel Wins Custody of Bryn, Ending Court War with Jason Hoppy

Publish date: 2024-05-08

When the world recoils at Bethenny Frankel’s worst behavior, it can be easy to forget what she’s been through.

A two-year marriage led to a decade of being at war with her ex-husband, Jason Hoppy.

Their bitter courtroom struggle amounted to “torture” at times, and has now come to an anticlimactic end.

This week, Jason ceded primary custody to Bethenny of his own volition in an effort to do the best thing for Bryn.

Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy’s divorce battle spanned nine bitter years.

Married in 2012, their divorce was only finalized in January.

On Wednesday, December 8, Bethenny attended a virtual hearing that had a surprising result.

Page Six reports that the judge relieved Bethenny of her child support obligations.

Previously, Bethenny had been making child support payments to Jason for the care of their 11-year-old daughter.

The two shared a 50/50 split of custody over Bryn.

Bethenny’s attorney, Allan Mayefsky, had asked the judge to cancel Bethenny’s child support payments.

Now an 11-year-old tween, Bryn has made it known that she wishes to live primarily with her mother.

Mayefsky also asked the court to modify their custody schedule, so that Bryn spends less time with Jason in accordance with her wishes.

“We have to put in a schedule that Bryn can be comfortable with that the court can order,” Mayefsky suggested.

The attorney continued that this would be ideal “so we don’t have these constant fights going on.”

“We need to recognize that Ms. Frankel is the primary parent,” Mayefsky expressed. “She should not be paying child support at this point.”

Bethenny herself spoke to the court, explaining that Bryn is clearly old enough to have opinions about her own life and family.

She told the judge that “whatever you put on paper, that’s great for structure, but she is a living breathing thing and she won’t always go.”

Bethenny shared that the longtime struggle between Bryn’s parents had left their daughter with anxiety and hyperventilation so bad that she has broken out into hives.

Sometimes, Bryn has declined to see Jason — to her mother’s chagrin.

“I want her to see her father,” Bethenny affirmed in court.

She emphasized: “I know how important it is for a child to have a good relationship with both parents.”

Jason also took part in the hearing, opting to do so without the representation of an attorney.

He did not need his lawyer with him because he had no intention of fighting Bethenny’s requests to the court.

“This is not a Bryn issue or an issue that Bryn has with me,” Jason told the judge.

“Therefore I’m removing myself of this fight for Bryn and my physical, emotional, and mental health,” Jason expressed.

“I will not spend the remainder of Bryn’s childhood fighting as we share joint physical custody,” he reasoned.

“Bryn knows I love her, I want her,” Jason added, “and I will always be available for our time together.”

Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Michael Katz ruled that “the relief that is sought will be granted.”

Jason characterized this change: “I’m removing myself from his toxic environment.”

He added, not incorrectly, that “It’s not good for myself or Bryn.”
