What is Dallas Goedert networth, salary, and brand endorsements?

Publish date: 0001-01-01
Dallas Goedert has a networth of $1.5 million. The player’s salary keeps on changing with his contract. Currently, his salary is $14 million.Dallas Goedert in a file photo (image credits: Instagram/ sgoboy_88)

Dallas Goedert is an NFL player. He has been playing in the NFL for 5 years now. Dallas was born on the 3rd of January 1995 and is 27. The athlete plays for the Philadelphia Eagles in the position of tight end. Dallas started his professional career in 2018 when the Philadelphia Eagles drafted him in the second round of the NFL drafts. Dallas is from North Dakota, United States, and has completed his high school and college in South Dakota state. The player had an interest in football, soccer, and basketball in high school but he continued to play football in college and pursued it for his career as well. Let us get to know about his networth, salary, contract, and brand endorsements.

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 Dallas Goedert’s brand endorsements

Dallas has worked with a few brands. The player has collaborated with a number of brands. Dallas gets his networth through NFL earnings as well as his brand endorsement deals. The list of the brands is mentioned below. Let us look at the list and the number of brand deals that he has signed.

Dallas Goedert’s networth

Dallas Goedert has a networth of $1.5 million. The player’s salary keeps on changing with his contract. Currently, his salary is $14 million. Goedert signed his first contract in 2018 with Philadelphia Eagles which was worth $5 million. The contract was 4 years long and offered an annual salary of $1 million. The most recent contract signed by the player is in 2022 which is 4 years long. This contract is worth $57 million and offers an annual salary of $14 million. Dallas started his career in 2018 and has spent 5 years playing in the Philadelphia Eagles. The player shares his 5000 sq. ft house with his best friend Avonte Maddox. They have been roommates since 2018. Dallas’s car collection and real estate investments are not known. The player gets his earnings from brand endorsements, NFL earnings, and other investments that he has made.

Dallas Goedert’s contract

Dallas Goedert has signed many contracts till now with the Philadelphia Eagles. Let us look at the table given below that shows us the contract details of the player.

YearContractSigning BonusAnnual Salary
2018$5,624,271$2,170, 379$1,406,068


Dallas Goedert in a file photo (image credits: Instagram/sgoboy_88) Dallas Goedert in a file photo (image credits: Instagram/sgoboy_88)
